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Top 7 Products Seniors Need To Buy For November on

It’s not quite the holidays but diving into the cooler months means getting cozy and comfortable… or for those lucky enough to be traveling or living in the south. Staying cool and comfortable.

We scoured Amazon for the best products (and deals!) we could find for Seniors in November. Here’s what we found!

1. Shiatsu Back Shoulder and Neck Massager with Heat

Before I even started writing this list I knew my first addition. Why? Because I already own two of these (one for my wife). Back in the days of visiting Sharper Image I tried all the $100 massagers and always found them disappointing. Never enough pressure. But thanks to this Shiatsu’s design, it provides all the pressure I need on-demand with a strong heat and even stronger massage. You can move this up and down your back, even wrap it around your thighs and butt.

So I literally just unpacked this as of 30 minutes ago. Plugged it in and gave it a spin (ha..ha..). Now first, it should be known that I regularly go to massage therapists and various ones have told me at different times and in different ways “You ain’t right”. I have extremely tense muscles and I’ve literally had a massage therapist work for an hour trying to unknot one part of my shoulder/back. So I did not have a lot of hope for this thing, but I figured it if could do something, it would be better than nothing, and even if it craps out after a week, it’s still less than half than what I’d pay for a massage. So I was surprised to find that the rolling action actually does apply some fairly decent pressure and I was dreading it being just that “vibration/shake” thing that previous “massage” devices offer. This gave a really good firm rolling action in both directions that actually worked to relax my neck and shoulder muscles significantly. 

2. Old Lives Matter Tumbler

Ok, we can have a little bit of fun on this list. Nothing like putting your favorite cocktail into a bit of a conversation starter. Impress your friends, annoy a few youths.

3. BigWinner Nail Clippers

I don’t care how old you are, there’s nothing that brings arthritic pain more than nail clippers. Thankfully someone finally came up with a design that’s easy to use and doesn’t bring immense pain. All-metal construction, with all the leverage you need to snip through those heavy-duty nails.

Spending $6 has never felt this good.

4. MagnetRX Magnetic Bracelet For Arthritis

I’m going to be honest with you, these magnetic bracelets seemed like a scam. I mean, how can this even do anything? But then I tried one out and… these are the real deal. It doesn’t cure arthritic pain, but it allows me to keep doing the things I love doing.

The reviews speak for themselves though.

I like this product. You can feel the thickness and quality. I have acute arthritis in my wrist that keeps me up at night. I was wearing “pain patches” to get through the night. This bracelet alleviates the pain almost immediately. I will be purchasing another for my other wrist. Highly Recommended!! 🙏❤️🙏

5. Magnelex Magnetic Pick-Up Tool

Ever drop something behind the couch, fridge, in your garage? How about keys that slipped under your car? Well no more scrambling on your hands and knees trying to reach or bat at it with a broomstick. Get yourself a magnetic pick up tool. You may only use it a couple times of year, but when you do it will be a Godsend.

6. LifeAround Bath Bombs

It took me awhile to get around to understanding bath bombs… but now I can’t remember the time where I didn’t plop down into my tub and drop one or two of these in. The scents, the suds, the experience is only matched with a glass of a fine cab. These are the best ones around and give you a dozen baths worth for under $25. Don’t waste your money at the chains, buy ’em here.

7. Electric Jar Opener

Ok, this might seem unnecessary to some of you… but my hands don’t have the same strength as they used to… plus with the amount of olive oil I cook with I can never seem to open up that jar of tomato sauce for my world famous pasta. Ok, maybe not world, but I like it gosh darnit.

This brilliant invention makes opening every single can as easy as, well, pressing a button.

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