An upbeat view of life may increase your odds for living to a ripe old age, new research suggests The finding stems from a look […]
Getting Consistent Sleep Plays Important Role In Delaying Mental Decline
Getting the right amount of sleep — not too much and not too little — could reduce your risk of mental decline as you age, […]
Make These 4 Changes To Lower Your Blood Pressure Now
If you deal with treatment-resistant hypertension, then you’ll likely be interested to learn that research disclosed in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation suggests that […]
You Might Want To Reconsider Using Your Non-Stick Pans…
Spending each morning at the kitchen sink scraping at the charred remains of breakfast gets tedious after a while. Non-stick cookware may seem like an […]
Will The Covid-19 Pandemic End Next Year?
As we near the 2-year mark for the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, experts are offering predictions on how the situation might change going into 2022. Dr. […]
Could the Western States Pact Become a New Country?
It isn’t the first time that it has been suggested. Conversation has sparked again about a piece of the United States breaking off, sending ripples […]
Breakthrough Pathways Can Extend Human Lifespan by 500%
Since from the 19th century, expectation towards life span has been raised. For example, U.S. babies born today can expect to live nearly until age […]
Biden Administration Calls on Congress to Address High Prescription Drug Prices
President Biden recently outlined his vision for improving prescription drug affordability. His plan calls on Congress to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, impose penalties […]
Scientists Are Making Human-Monkey Hybrids in China
In a controversial first, a team of researchers have been creating embryos that are part human and part monkey, reports say . According to newspapers, […]
Want to Live Forever? You Just Have to Make It to 2050
Humans have been trying to find a way to dodge death for years. Ancient Greek alchemists tried to create a “philosopher’s stone” that would let […]